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doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing. Ladislav Mura, PhD., MSc.

doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing. Ladislav Mura, PhD., MSc.
Name: doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing. Ladislav Mura, PhD., MSc.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Department: Department of Economics
Position: Associate Professor
Office: G306A
Phone +421 35 32 60 661

Univerzita J. Selyeho, Ekonomická fakulta
vysokoškolský učiteľ
2011 -

Category A1 - Book publications of scientific monograph character (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB, ABC, ABD)
Number of entries: 5
AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad (3)
AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland (2)

Category A2 - Miscellaneous book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
Number of entries: 17
ACA University textbooks published abroad (1)
ACB University textbooks published inland (3)
BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad (1)
BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland (2)
BCI University teaching notes and resource materials (4)
FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.) (6)

Category B - Journals listed in international databases, author warrants, patents, and discoveries (ADC, ADD, AEG, AEH, BDC, BDD, CDC, CDD, AGJ)
Number of entries: 0

Category C - Miscellaneous peer-reviewed publications (ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
Number of entries: 82
ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (14)
ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (29)
AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs (3)
AED Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs (3)
AFA Published invited conference articles presented at conferences abroad (2)
AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad (17)
AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland (12)
BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database (1)
BDF Specialised papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect satabase (1)

Category N - Miscellaneous non peer-reviewed publications (ADM, ADN, AEM, AEN, BDM, BDN, CBA, CBB)
Number of entries: 14
ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (13)
ADN Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS (1)

Category D - Miscellaneous publications not classified by the MESR
Number of entries: 7
AGI Reports of scientific research tasks (2)
DAI Dissertation and habilitation theses (1)
EDI Reviews published in journals and proceedings (4)

Total number of entries: 125


[1] Citations and reviews which appeared in a foreign publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (92)
[2] Citations and reviews which appeared in a domestic publication and are listed in an international database (WoS or Scopus). (6)
[3] Citations which appeared in a foreign publication and are not listed in any international database. (38)
[4] Citations which appeared in a domestic publication and are not listed in any international database. (27)
Total: 163

List of publications:

AAA Scientific/scholarly monographs published abroad
Number of entries: 3

AAA 001 SERES HUSZÁRIK, Erika a Ladislav MURA. Új trendek a szlovák kiskereskedelemben = Nové trendy v slovenskom maloobchode. 1. vyd. Bučovice: Nakladatelství Martin Stříž, 2012. 136 s. ISBN 978-80-87106-59-4.

AAA 002 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Ján BULECA a Katarína HAVIERNÍKOVÁ. Inovačné podnikanie a hodnotenie inovačného potenciálu podnikateľských sietí. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2015. 219 s. [10,95 AH]. ISBN 978-80-263-0598-9.

2020  [1] MADLEŇÁK, A. Performance Assessment of Cluster Management with Regard to the Planning of the Human Resources Development Concept and Marketing Communication. In RELIK 2020. Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2020. ISBN 978-80-245-2394-1, p. 357-366. WoS

2020  [1] PAVLAK, M. - PISAR, P. Strategic management controlling system and its importance for SMEs in the EU. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2020, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 362-372. SCOPUS

2018  [4] RAFAJOVÁ, I. Inovácie a rodinné podnikanie. In Integrácia sociálnych médií, geolokačných služieb a mobilných zariadení v záujme podpory environmentálnych inovácií. Trnava : FMK, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8105-975-9, p. 164-169.

2018  [1] VALACH, M. Social function of agriculture sector in the Slovak Republic. In Scientific papers-series management economic engineering in agriculture and rural development. ISSN 2284-7995, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 475-481. WoS

2018  [4] BEDNÁRIK, J. Environmentálne vzdelávanie ľudských zdrojov z hľadiska a kruhovej ekonomiky. In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied.. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 29-35.

2018  [4] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.

2017  [4] ŠÚBERTOVÁ, E. Comparison of Business Environment in Czech Republic and in Slovak Republic. International Scientific Conference Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2017. Bratislava : Ekonóm, 2017. ISBN 978-80-225-4422-1, p. 1022.

2017  [3] ŠÚBERTOVÁ, E. - TÓTH, M. - TÓTHOVÁ, A. Factors of Increasing the Enterprises Efficiency and Performance. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7552-872-8, p. 189.

2016  [1] UBREZIOVA, I. - HORSKA, E. - MORAVCIKOVA, K. Socio-responsible behavior of small and medium sized companies. In Economic Science for Rural Development: Rural Development and entrepreneurship Bioeconomy Home Economics. Latvia : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016. ISBN 978-9984-48-223-1, 156-163. WoS

2016  [1] VALACH, M. - BALAZOVA, E. Socioeconomic functions of agricultural sector in the regions of Slovak Republic. In Actual Problems of Economics. ISSN 1993-6788, 2016, vol. 185, no. 11, p. 238-247. SCOPUS

2016  [4] POLIAČIKOVÁ, E. Obchodné centrá na Slovensku - Minulosť, súčasnosť, budúcnosť. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 166.

2016  [1] MORAVCIKOVA, K. - KOVACSOVA, B. Socio-Responsible Behavior of Small and Medium Sized Companies. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference Economic Science for Rural Development no. 41. Jelgava : LLU ESAF, 2016. ISBN 978-9984-48-223-1, p. 156-163. WoS

AAA 003 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Ladislav MURA. Zhodnotenie organizačnej kultúry a znalostného manažmentu vo verejnej správe v kontexte odborného rastu zamestnancov. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2015. 127 s. [6,35 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-117-0.

2019  [4] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Comparitive analysis of motivation of civil servants and public servants in the local state administration - case study of Slovakia. In Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management. ISSN 2644-4917, 2019, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 74-93.

2018  [4] VLACSEKOVÁ, D. Differences of motivation in public and private organizations. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 1077-1085.

2016  [4] HANÁČKOVÁ, D. - BABULOVÁ, M. Inovácie v samospráve : Innovations in Self-government. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 95.

2016  [4] ČAPOŠOVÁ, E. Teoretické aspekty implementácie manažérstva kvality v inštitúciach verejnej správy. In Political Science Forum. ISSN 1338-6859, 2016, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 69.

2016  [4] ČAPOŠOVÁ, E. Modely manažérstva kvality v organizáciách verejnej správy. In e-studies [online]. 05/2016 [cit. 2016-06-10]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1338-1598.

AAB Scientific/scholarly monographs published inland
Number of entries: 2

AAB 001 MURA, Ladislav. Internacionalizácia podnikateľskej činnosti malých a stredných podnikov vo vybranom samosprávnom kraji. 1. vyd. Dubnica nad Váhom: Dubnický technologický inštitút, 2010. 148 s. ISBN 978-80-89400-16-4.

2013  [4] GRZNÁR, M. - SZABO, Ľ. - ŠUBERTOVÁ, E. Investment processes in the Slovak Republic and in selected european companies. In MANEKO. ISSN 1337-9488, 2013, vol. 5, no. 1, s. 31, 36.

AAB 002 POÓR, József, Ladislav MURA, Mártonné KAROLINY, Štefan VÍGH a Norbert SZAKÁCS. Az emberi erőforrás menedzsment gyakorlata: Magyarország - Szlovákia 2011. 1. vyd. Komárno: EFUJS Komárno, 2012. 102 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-062-3.

ACA University textbooks published abroad
Number of entries: 1

ACA 001 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Ladislav MURA. Vállalatgazdaságtan. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2013. 158 s. [7,9 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-071-5.

ACB University textbooks published inland
Number of entries: 3

ACB 001 MURA, Ladislav. Úvod do podnikania. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 9,45 AH. ISBN 978-80-8122-049-4.

ACB 002 POÓR, József, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Ladislav MURA. Vállalatok nemzetközivé válásának elméleti háttere = Teoretické východiská internacionalizácie podnikov: Vedecká monografia - Monográfia Research Report. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 96 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-048-7.

ACB 003 MURA, Ladislav, Nikoleta NAGYOVÁ, Endre HEVESI, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Dávid SZABÓ, Ádám SZOBI, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ a Dániel HALASI. Bevezetés a vállalatgazdaságtanba [print] = Úvod do podnikového hospodárstva. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. 131 s. [8,1AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-212-2.

ADE Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 14

ADE 001 MURA, Ladislav a Viera GAŠPARÍKOVÁ. Penetration of small and medium sized food companies on foreign markets. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. Vol. 58, No. 3 (2010), s. 157-163. ISSN 1211-8516.

2012  [1] VÉGHOVÁ, K. Research of the slovak meat industry and the company strategy. In MSED 2012 : The 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 13-15. Praha : University of Economics, 2012. p. 1176. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS

2012  [1] TÓTH, Z. Selected problems of the international entrepreneurship in the context of internationalization. In MSED 2012 : The 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 13-15. Praha : University of Economics, 2012. p. 1112, 1118. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS

ADE 002 MURA, Ladislav. Performance of Human Resource Management in an Internationally Operating Company. Serbian Journal of Management. roč. 7, č. 1 (2012), s. 115-130. ISSN 1452-4864. WoS.

2016  [3] OLŠOVSKÁ, A. - ŠVEC, M. How to monitor employees but protect employee privacy? In Silesian Journal of Legal Studies : Contents vol. 8. Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2016. ISSN 0208-6336, p. 80, 90.

ADE 003 MURA, Ladislav. The network approach of internationalization - study case of sme segment. Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Vol. 16, No. 19 (2011), s. 155-160. ISSN 1211-555X.

2012  [4] VÉGHOVÁ, K. - MACHOVÁ, R. Factors motivating and discouraging Innovation Performance of the Small and Medium sized Enterprises. In Journal of Innovations and Applied Statistics. ISSN 1338-5224, 2012, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 46-47.

2012  [3] MATISKOVÁ, D. The Methodology of Economic Costs Influential on Automation of Component Production. In American Journal of Economics. ISSN 2166-4951, 2012, vol. 2, no. 7, p. 164-170.

2012  [1] TÓTH, Z. Selected problems of the international entrepreneurship in the context of internationalization. In MSED 2012 : The 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 13-15. Praha : University of Economics, 2012. p. 1112, 1119. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS

ADE 004 MURA, Ladislav, Ján BULECA, Lucia ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, Artan QINETI a Dagmar KOZELOVÁ. An analysis of selected aspects of international business in Slovak dairies in the EU framework. Mljekarstvo. Vol. 62, no. 3 (2012), p. 219-226. ISSN 0026-704X. WoS. IF (2012): 0,300. SNIP (2013): 0,464.

2013  [1] ALJINOVIĆ BARAĆ, Ž. - MUMINOVIĆ, S. The impact of capital investments on dairy processing industry features : evidence from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. In Mljekarstvo. ISSN 0026-704X, 2013, vol. 63, no. 3., s. 141. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADE 005 KOZELOVÁ, Dagmar, Martina FIKSELOVÁ, Simona DODOKOVÁ, Ladislav MURA, Andrea MENDELOVÁ a Vladimír VIETORIS. Analysis of consumer preferences focused on food additives. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. Vol. 60, no. 6 (2012) s. 197-203. ISSN 1211-8516.

ADE 006 MURA, Ladislav, Lucia ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, Jana ŽIAROVSKÁ, Ladislav KRÁČMAR, Dagmar KOZELOVÁ, Ľubomír LOPAŠOVSKÝ, Simona KUNOVÁ a Katarína TINÁKOVÁ. Application of Epidemiological Information System (EPIS) in the Slovak Republik Within the Surveillance of Salmonellosis and Campylobacteriosis Outbreaks int the European Union (2001-2010). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. Roč. 60, č. 1 (2012), s. 1-12. ISSN 1211-8516.

2014  [1] BADLÍK, M. - HOLODA, E. - PISTL, J. et al. Prevalence of zoonotic Campylobacter spp. in rectal swabs from dogs in Slovakia: Special reference to C. Jejuni and C. coli. In Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift. ISSN 0005-9366, 2014, vol. 127, no. 3-4, p. 144-148. WoS ; SCOPUS

2013  [4] ŠTEFÚNOVÁ, V. - LBAJOVÁ, M. Analyse of restriction sites of amaranth GBSSI gene in mutant lines. In Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences. ISSN 1338-5178, 2013, vol. 2, special issue 1, p. 1650-1664.

2012  [4] LABAJOVÁ, M. et al. Využitie metódy CAPS na detekciu polymorfizmu reštrikčných miest GBSSI génu mutantných línií láskavca [online]. 2012, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 73, 80. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 1336-9245.

ADE 007 MURA, Ladislav. Možnosti aplikácie zhlukovej analýzy v manažérskych podnikových analýzach. Informační bulletin. roč. 23, č. 4. (2012), s. 27-41. ISSN 1210-8022.

ADE 008 MURA, Ladislav. Vývojové tendencie zahraničného obchodu: komparatívna štúdia Slovensko-Česká republika. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. roč. 17, č. 1/2012 (2012), s. 79-86. ISSN 1211-555X.

ADE 009 MIKLOVIČOVÁ, Jana, Silvia MIKLOVIČOVÁ, Ladislav MURA a Irena FELIXOVÁ. Analysis of farms and commercial companies operating activities in Slovakia based on quantification of chosen investments method. International Journal of Business and Marketing Management. Vol. 1, no. 1 (2013), p. 9-17. ISSN 2022-2502.

ADE 010 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Endre HEVESI. Background to trends in youth unemployment. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe. Vol. 16, no. 3 (2013), pp. 299-312. ISSN 1435-2869.

2021  [4] SÁRKÖZI, B. Sz. Čerství absolventi na trhu práce. In Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8, p. 150-155.

2016  [4] BOGNÁR, T. - BENCSIK, A. Career Crises as a Validity Factor of Prognosis. In Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. ISSN 1338-6581, 2016, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 30.

ADE 011 MURA, Ladislav a Tomáš DUDÁŠ. Development of Ecological Agricultural Production and Its Latest Global Trends before the Economic Crisis. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. Vol. 2, iss. 2 (2013), p. 253-257. ISSN 2319-1473.

ADE 012 MURA, Ladislav, Ján BULECA, Zuzana HAJDUOVÁ a Marek ANDREJKOVIČ. Quantitative assessment of selected financial aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises in a developing country. International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 5, no. 6 (2013), p. 297-305. ISSN 2075-4124.

ADE 013 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ a Ladislav MURA. Consequences of Workplace Stress - Company Case Study. Littera Scripta. Roč. 12, č. 2 (2019), s. 1-17. ISSN 1802-503X.

2021  [3] BROWN, M. Healing Comes First: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Work Environments for Teams to Heal and Produce. In Role of Leadership in Facilitating Healing and Renewal in Times of Organizational Trauma and Change. USA : IGI Global, 2021. ISBN 978-1-7998-7016-6, p. 121-139.

2021  [3] KŐMŰVES, Zs - BERKE, Sz. Labor retention in the domestic SME sector in Somogy county [Munkaerő megtartás a hazai kkv szektorban Somogy megyében]. In Régiókutatás Szemle. ISSN 2559-9941, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 67.

2021  [3] BERKE, Sz. - SCHMIDT, M. - KŐMŰVES, Zs. Wellbeing at workplace – health promotion and types of stress in Southern Transdanubia [Munkahelyi jólét - egészségfejlesztés és stressz típusai a Dél-Dunántúlon]. In Régiókutatás Szemle. ISSN 2559-9941, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 65.

ADE 014 SZEINER, Zsuzsanna, Ladislav MURA, Zsolt HORBULÁK a József POÓR. Menedzsmenttanácsadási trendek a szomszédos Szlovákiában = Trends and Tendencies in Management Consulting in Neighboring Slovakia - in Light of Global and Regional Trends: Globális és regionális tendenciák tükrében. Vezetéstudomány : budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Corvinus School of Management havi szakfolyóirata : budapest management review. Évf. 51, sz. 1 (2020), p. 71-82. ISSN 0133-0179.

2021  [3] BENCSIK, A - GÓDÁNY, Zs. - MÁTHÉ, M. Az interim menedzser szerepe a tudásmenedzsment-folyamatban. In Vezetéstudomány. ISSN 0133-0179, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 49.

2020  [3] VARGA-TOLDI, K. - VERES, Z. A vezetési tanácsadói szerepek változása – szakirodalmi kitekintés és empirikus eredmények. In Vezetéstudomány. ISSN 0133-0179, vol. 51, no. 7-8, p. 14, 19, 20.

ADF Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 29

ADF 001 MURA, Ladislav. Internacionalizácia podnikania malých a stredných podnikov. Acta oeconomica et informatica. Roč. 12, č. 2 (2009), s. 55-57. ISSN 1336-9261.

2010  [3] ŠÚBERTOVÁ, E. - GAJDOVÁ, D. Analysis of the forms the cooperation micro and small enterprises in the Slovak republic. In Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice : Series D. ISSN 1211-555X, 2010, vol. 3, p. 317-327.

ADF 002 MURA, Ladislav. Faktory internacionalizácie malého a stredného podnikania. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. Roč. 6, č. 2 (2010), s. 111-116. ISSN 1336-7420.

2011  [3] SEDLIAČIKOVÁ, M. - SOPKOVÁ, E. Taxation of general consumption in SR and (ir)responsible behaviour of taxprayers. In Annals Warsaw University of Life Sciences : Forestry and Wodd Technology. ISSN 1898-5912, 2011, no. 76, p. 14, 16.

ADF 003 MURA, Ladislav, Eva GRUBLOVÁ, Ivana GECIKOVÁ a Dagmar KOZELOVÁ. An analysis of business internationalization models. Studia UBB Oeconomica. Vol. 56, No. 2 (2011), s. 16-28.

2012  [3] PROKEINOVÁ, R. - PALÚCHOVÁ, J. Social responsibility of food companies in Slovakia - a selected tool of sustainability. In Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. ISSN 0080-3715, 2012, vol. 99, no. 3, p. 50.

ADF 004 MURA, Ladislav, Dagmar KOZELOVÁ, Ivana GECÍKOVÁ a Miriam PIETRIKOVÁ. Analýza agrárnej zamestnanosti a produktivity práce s akcentom na rozvoj agroturistiky. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 7 (2011), s. 97-102. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 005 MURA, Ladislav. Analýza ekonomického sentimentu. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 7 (2011), s. 150-156. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 006 TÖRÖK, Ľuboš a Ladislav MURA. Štatistické zisťovanie preferencií prekladateľských postupov. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. Roč. 7, č. 7 (2011), s. 257-263. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 007 MURA, Ladislav. Štatistika zamestnanosti v samosprávnych krajoch vo vybraných odvetviach hospodárstva Slovenska. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. Roč. 6, č. 4 (2011), s. 130-135. ISSN 1336-7420.

2011  [1] LÖSTER, T. - LANGHAMROVÁ, J. Analysis of long-term unemployment in the Czech Republic. In MSED International Days of Statistics and Economics : Conference Proceedings, September 22-23, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague : University of Economics, 2011. ISBN 978-80-86175-77-5. WoS

ADF 008 BAJÁK, Imre a Ladislav MURA. An analysis of the factors that affect the Agenda 21 process in Hungary. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 11-22. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 009 MIKLOVIČOVÁ, Jana, Silvia MIKLOVIČOVÁ a Ladislav MURA. Analýza poľnohospodárskeho pôdneho fondu a vybraných ekonomických ukazovateľov v Nitrianskom kraji. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 129-138. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 010 MURA, Ladislav a Dagmar KOZELOVÁ. Analýza vybraných ekonomických a manažérskych aspektov malého a stredného podnikania vo vidieckom turizme a agroturizme. Acta Regionalia et Enviromentalica. roč. 9, č. 1/2012 (2012), s. 17-21. ISSN 1336-5452.

ADF 011 ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, Lucia, Silvia PASTYRIKOVÁ, Radoslav ŽIDEK a Ladislav MURA. Comparison of the quality of vegetable oils designed for the frying food. Potravinárstvo. č. 6/4 (2012), s. 45-51. ISSN 1337-0960.

ADF 012 MURA, Ladislav. Finančná analýza vybraných ukazovateľov stredného podniku v SR. MANEKO - Manažment a ekonomika podniku. (2012), s. 82-90. ISSN 1337-9488.

ADF 013 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Ladislav MURA a Ján BULECA. Green Procurement Opportunities in the Growing Green Marketing Perspective. Transactions of the Universities of Košice. Č. 2 (2012), s. 112-122. ISSN 1335-2334.

ADF 014 MURA, Ladislav a Tomáš LÖSTER. Inovačná aktivita sektoru malého a stredného podnikania. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 149-158. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 015 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Ladislav MURA. Komparácia inovačného výkonu maďarského a slovenského sektoru malého a stredného podnikania. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 3. (2012), s. 146-151. ISSN 1336-7420.

2013  [3] BOBENIČ HINOTOŠOVÁ, A. - BROUTHOVÁ, M. - DEMJANOVÁ, L. Efekt veľkosti podniku na inovačnú aktivitu. In "Inovačný potenciál, inovačné podnikanie a podnikateľské siete". Brno : TRIBUN EU, 2013. ISBN 978-80-8122-088-3.

ADF 016 ŠIMO, Dušan, Ladislav MURA a Pavel ŽUFAN. Manažment marketing výroby a odbytu zeleniny v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 1, č. 2 (2012), s. 185-196. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 017 MURA, Ladislav a Ľuboš TÖRÖK. Prekladateľský výskum s využitím štatistických metód. Journal of Innovations and applied Statistics. roč. 2, č. 1 (2012), s. 4-10. ISSN 1338-5224.

ADF 018 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Štatistika pracovných úrazov na Slovensku. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. č. 2 (2012), s. 136-140. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 019 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína, Ján BULECA a Ladislav MURA. The Importance of Marketing Strategy of the COOP Jednota. Transaction of the Universities of Košice. (2012), s. 103-111. ISSN 1335-2334.

ADF 020 MURA, Ladislav a Ján BULECA. Vedenie ľudí v medzinárodne podnikajúcich agropotravinárskych podnikoch Slovenska. Ekonomika poľnohospodárstva [elektronický zdroj]. roč. 12, č. 1, CD/ROM, (2012), s. 113-126. ISSN 1338-6336.

ADF 021 HERZÁNOVÁ, Radmila a Ladislav MURA. Vybrané problémy řízení sociálních firiem v občanských sdruženích. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. (2012), s. 81-88. ISSN 1338-6581.

ADF 022 MURA, Ladislav a Ľuboš TÖRÖK. Vyšetrovanie extrémnych hodnôt pomocou Dixonovho testu na príklade translatologického výskumu. Journal of Innovation and Applied Statistics. roč. 2, č. 2 (2012), s. 4-8. ISSN 1338-5224.

ADF 023 VÉGHOVÁ, Katarína a Ladislav MURA. Vývoj pracovných úrazov v Maďarsku po vstupe do Európskej únie. Forum Statisticum Slovacum. roč. 8, č. 2/2012 (2012), s. 141-146. ISSN 1336-7420.

ADF 024 ŠIMO, Dušan a Ladislav MURA. Komparácia výroby a odbytu jabĺk v Českej republike a Slovenskej republike. In: Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, Roč. 2, č. 2 (2013), s. 205-216 [0,6 AH].

ADF 025 NOVOTNÁ, Jarmila a Ladislav MURA. Vybrané aspekty komunikácie = Selected aspects of communication. Selye E-Studies [elektronický zdroj]. Roč. 4, č. 2 (2013), s. 29-35. ISSN 1338-1598.

ADF 026 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA a Monika BÁLINTOVÁ. Regionálne nerovnosti v kontexte východného Slovenska. Sociálno - ekonomická revue. Roč. 12, č. 3 (2014), p. 44-55. ISSN 1336-3727.

ADF 027 MACHOVÁ, Renáta a Ladislav MURA. Ľudské zdroje ako determinant inovácií = Human resources as a determinant of Innovatio. Sociálno-ekonomická revue. = Social and Economic Revue - Scientific Journal Roč. 13, č. 1 (2015), s. 67-78. ISSN 1336-3727.

ADF 028 MURA, Ladislav a Dániel HALASI. A marketing a kulcstényező? = The Marketing is the key factor? - Modern marketing elements are the keys of the corporate success: Modern marketing elemek a vállalati sikeresség kulcsai. Selye E-studies. online, s. 1-11. ISSN 1338-1598.

2017  [3] LINCÉNYI, M. Možnosti využitia mediálnej a marketingovej komunikácie v sociálnej politike. In Nové trendy a výzvy sociálnej politiky v súčasnosti. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1170-6, p. 285.

ADF 029 BAŠA, Patrik a Ladislav MURA. Differences between green marketing and sustainable marketing. Selye e-studies : online recenzovaný vedecký časopis. online, roč. 12, č. 2 (2021), s. 38-45. ISSN 1338-1598 (online).

ADM Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 13

ADM 001 MATISKOVÁ, Darina, Štefan GAŠPÁR a Ladislav MURA. Thermal Factors of Die Casting and Their Impact on the Service Life of Moulds and the Quality of Castings. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. Vol. 10, no. 3 (2013), pp. 65-78. ISSN 1785-8860.

ADM 002 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Ladislav MURA a Endre HEVESI. Selected aspects of business networks. Actual Problems of Economics. Vol. 186, no. 12 (2016), p. 147-156. ISSN 1993-6788. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,123.

2019  [1] OLÁH, J. - KOVÁCS, S. - VIRGLEROVA, Z. -et al. Analysis and comparison of economic and financial risk sources in SMEs of the Visegrad Group and Serbia. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2019, vol. 11, no. 1. SCOPUS

2018  [1] BACIK, R. - FEDORKO, R. NASTISIN, L. -et al. Factors of communication mix on social media and their role in forming customer experience and brand image. In Management & marketing-challenges for the knowledge society. ISSN 1842-0206, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 1108-1118. WoS

2018  [1] KLJUCNIKOV, A. - MAJKOVA, M. S. - VINCUROVÁ, Z. Credit standards and factors affecing their strictness in the segment of SMEs in the Slovakia. In Journal of international studies. ISSN 2071-8330, 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 163-176. SCOPUS

2017  [1] DUDÁŠ, T. FOREIGH DIRECT INVESTMENTS AS A TOOL OF THE EXPANSION OF CHINESE CORPORATIONS IN V4 COUNTRIES. In Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Praha : Faculty of Business Administration University of Economics, 2017. ISBN 978-80-245-2216-6, p.157-168. WoS

2017  [1] MAJKOVÁ, M. S. - KLUČNIKOV, A. - SOLÍK, J. Impact of age of the entrepreneur on the export financing. Case study from Slovakia. In Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. ISSN 1211-555X, 2017, vol. 24, no. 40, p. 199-209. SCOPUS

ADM 003 VLACSEKOVÁ, Dominika a Ladislav MURA. Effect of motivational tools on employee satisfaction in small and medium enterprises. DOI 10.24136/oc.v8i1.8 Oeconomia Copernicana. Vol. 8, no. 1 (2017), p. 111-130. ISSN 2083-1277. WoS.

2018  [1] KLOPOTAN, I. - GENERALIC, M. - MIHEVC, Z. Parameters which influence employee satisfaction in public sector the republic of Croatia. In International journal for quality research. ISSN 1800-6450, 2018, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 405-420. WoS ; SCOPUS

2018  [3] HOLÁTOVÁ, D. - BŘEZINOVÁ, M. Management of Human Resource in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Case Study. In Entrepreneurship - Development Tendencies and Empirical Approach. London : Intech, 2018. ISBN 978-953-51-3761-0, p. 269-289.

2018  [1] MACHOVÁ, R. - BENCSIK, A. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. THE DRIVING FORCES OF BUSINESS - INNOVATION, SUCCESS AND HUMAN RESOURCES. In Hradec Economic Days. ISSN 2464-6059, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 592. WoS

2018  [1] KORCSMAROS, E. Forms of employment in SME sector - example from Slovakia based on primary research. In Ad Alta-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 131-134. WoS

2018  [1] SZEINER, Z. - SZOBI, A. - SKLENAR, D. Employee benefits practice in Slovakia. In Ad Alta-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018. vol. 8, no. 2, p. 246-253. WoS

2018  [1] PAUHOFOVA, I. - STEHLIKOVA, B. - KLJUCNIKOV, A. Spatial and sectoral conditionality of the average monthly nominal wage in the Slovak Republic. In Tranformation in business & economics. ISSN 1648-4460, 2018, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 155-168. WoS

2018  [1] LORINCOVA, S. - HITKA, M. STARCHON, P. -et al. Strategic instrument for sustainability of human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises using management data. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2018, vol. 10, no. 10. WoS

2018  [1] BENCSIK, A. - MACHOVÁ, R. - CSÓKÁS, L. Survey of ethical managerial behavior - a three country comparative study. In Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. ISSN 1785-8860, 2018, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 179-198. WoS

2018  [1] CERNEVICIUTE, J. - STRAZDAS, R. Teamwork management in creative industries: Factors influencing productivity. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 6, no. 2, p.503-516. WoS

2018  [1] SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. - HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - GUŠČINSKIENÉ, J. Assessment of reasons for being engaged in clusters in terms of sustainable development. In Journal of security and sustainability issues. ISSN 2029-7017, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 103-112. SCOPUS

2018  [3] BENCSIK, A. - MACHOVÁ, R. - JUHÁSZ, T. -et al. Vezető/leader versus etika avagy az etikus leaderi magatartás jellemzői. In Vezetéstudomány/Budapest management review. ISSN 0133-0179, 2018, vol. XLIX, no. 10, p. 93-104.

2018  [1] KOT-RADOJEWSKA, M. - TIMENKO, I. V. Employee loyalty to the organization in the context of the form of emloyment. In Oeconomia Copernicana. ISSN 2083-1277, 2018, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 511-527. WoS

2018  [1] LIZBETINOVA, L. - HITKA, M. - ZABOROVA, E. -et al. Motivational preferences of the Czech and Russian blue-collar workers. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020,vols I-XI. Milan : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 5179-5186. WoS

2018  [1] LIZBETINOVA, L. Statisfaction with the motivational level of Czech employees. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020,vols I-XI. Milan : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3859-3865. WoS

2018  [1] VILCEKOVA, L. - KOCISOVA, L. - MUCHA, B. -et al. Securitization of liabilities in Slovak business law. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020,vols I-XI. Milan : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 5061-5069. WoS

2018  [1] KMECOVA, I. Educational process and motivation factors of university students and its analysis. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020,vols I-XI. Milan : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 1815-1824. WoS

2018  [1] LIZBETINOVA, L. - LORINCOVA, S. - TIKHOMIROVA, A. -et al. Motivational preferences among Czech and Russian men at managerial positions. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020,vols I-XI. Milan : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 5560-5568. WoS

2018  [1] ANDREJOVSKA, A. - REGASKOVA, M. The influence of value-added tax changes on the household consumption. In Ad Alta-Journal of interdisciplinary research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 12-16. WoS

2017  [2] POTKANY, M. - KOVAC, R. - HVIZDOVA, E. -et al. General process of implememtation of human resource outsourcing in SME'S companies. In Management and economics in manufacturing. Zvolen : Technick8 Univerzita Zvolene, 2017. ISBN 978-80-228-2993-9, p. 286-293. WoS

2017  [1] KORDOS, M. - IVANOVA, E. The innovation union within the Slovak business environment. In Proceedings of the secont international conference on economic and business management. ISSN 2352-5428, 2017, vol. 33, p. 391-396. WoS

2017  [2] RAFAJOVA, L. - PAFCO, M. Family Businesses in selected regions of Slovakia. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 196-203. WoS

2017  [3] MACHOVÁ, R. - KOSÁR, T. S. Generácia "Z" verzus trh práce. In The 10th international scientific conference Relik 2017. Prague : VŠE, 2017. ISBN 978-80-245-2238-8, p. 274-285.

2017  [1] KORCSMÁROS, E. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. SMES AS THE KEY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. In Knowledge for market use. Olomouc : Palacký University, 2017. ISBN 978-80-244-5233-3, p. 401-407. WoS

2017  [1] DRAGOLEA, L. - GROONDYS, K. - SROKA, M. Career management: short analysis regarding interest on employment fields among youth. In Polish journal of managements studies. ISSN 2081-7452, 2017, vol. 16, no. 2, p. 62-73. WoS ; SCOPUS

2017  [4] MADLEŇÁK, A. - ZAUŠKOVÁ, A. THE IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON OPEN-SOURCE INNOVATIONS OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION USING HACKATHONS. In Globalization and its Socio-economic consquences. Rajecke Teplice : ZU - University of Zilina, 2017. ISBN 978-80-8154-212-1, p. 1412-1419.

ADM 004 MURA, Ladislav, Katarína HAVIERNIKOVÁ a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Empirical results of entrepreneurs' network: Case study of Slovakia. DOI 10.5937/sjm12-10418 Serbian Journal of Management. Vol. 12, no. 1 (2017), p. 121-131. ISSN 1452-4864. WoS, SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,581.

2021  [1] STACHO, Z. - STACHOVÁ, K. - CAGÁŇOVÁ, D. - et al. The Key Managerial Competencies Tendencies Application in the Business Environment in Slovakia within the Context of Industry 4.0. In EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web. ISSN 1615-5548, 2021, vol. 8, no. 32. SCOPUS

2021  [1] GRENČÍKOVÁ, A. - KORDOŠ, M. - NAVICKAS, V. The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Education Contents. In Business: Theory and Practice. ISSN 1648-0627, 2021, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 29-38. SCOPUS

2020  [3] GRIBANOVA, S. - ABELTINA, A. Age and gender-based differences in motivation of creative employees: case of it professionals in Latvia. In Economic Science for Rural Development. Jelgava : LLU ESAF, 2020. ISBN 978-9984-48-345-0, p. 225-232.

2020  [3] GRENCIKOVA, A. - KORDOS, M. - BERKOVIC, V. Impact of industry 4.0 on labor productivity in the Slovac Republic. In Problems and perspectives in management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2020, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 396-408.

2019  [3] HEGEDŰS, SZ. - JAKAB, T. Az önkormányzati reform megítélése az önkormányzati dolgozók szemszögéből egy kérdőíves felmérés keretében. In Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században - 2019/2 kötet. Budapest : Óbudai Egyetem, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-167-5, p. 26-37.

2019  [1] KRIZANOVA, A. - LAZAROIU, G. - GAJANOVA, L. -et al. The effectiveness of marketing communication and importance of its evaluation in an online environment. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, vol. 11, no. 24. WoS

2019  [1] KUCHARCIKOVA, A. - MICIAK, M. - MALICHOVA, E. The motivation of students at universities as a prerequisite of the education's sustainability within the business value generation context. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 11, no. 20. WoS

2019  [3] HEGEDŰS, SZ. Az önkrományzati reform megítélése az önkrományzati dolgozók szemszögéből egy kérdőíves felmérés keretében. In Vállalkozásfejlesztés XXI. században IX/2. Budapest : Óbudai Egyetem, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-167-5.

2019  [3] SÁNDOR, B. - FEHÉR, D. J. Kiberbiztonsági bérek megoszlásának felmérése Magyarországon. In Vállalkozásfejlesztés a XXI. században IX. Budapest : Óbudai Egyetem, 2019. ISBN 978-963-449-165-1, p.226-237.

2019  [1] MUSA, H. - RECH, F. - MUSOVÁ, Z. The role of corporate dovernance in debt and dividend policies:case of Slovakia. In Investment Management and Financial Innovations. ISSN 1810-4967, 2019, vol.16, no. 2, p. 206-216. SCOPUS

2019  [1] KOZUBIKOVA, L. - KOTASKOVA, A. - DVORSKY, J. -et al. The impact of political factors ́ perception on suitability of international business environment: The case of startups. In Recent issues in economic development. ISSN 2071-789X, 2019, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 61-78. WoS

ADM 005 KORCSMÁROS, Enikő, Ladislav MURA a Monika ŠIMONOVÁ. Identification of small and medium-sized enterprises development in Slovakia. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 12, no. 6 (2017), p. 1702-1712. ISSN 2393-5162. SCOPUS. SNIP (2016): 0,416.

2021  [1] NAĎOVÁ KROŠLÁKOVÁ, M. - KHOURI, S. - ČVIRIK, M. - et al. The business environment of family enterprises in Slovakia - Perception of external barriers. In Polish Journal of Management Studies. ISSN 2081-7452, 2021, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 321-335. SCOPUS

2019  [1] MUSTAFIN, A. N. - SHLYAKHTIN, A. E. - KOTULIČ, R. Role of public management in elimination regional disparities [Rola zarządzania publicznego w eliminacji nierówności regionalnych]. In Polish Journal of Management Studies. ISSN 2081-7452, 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 260-270. SCOPUS

2018  [1] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVA, B. - TOTH, P. Impact of selected characteristics of SMEs on the capital structure. In Journal of business economics and management. ISSN 1611-1699, 2018, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 592-608. WoS

2018  [1] NOVOTNÁ, M. - VOLEK, T. Efficiency of production factors in the EU. In Deturope. ISSN 1821-2506, 2018, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 147-168. SCOPUS

2018  [4] HEVESI, A. A Probst modell folyamatainak jellemzői kis- és középvállalatokban. In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 141-151.

2018  [4] HALASI, D. Családi vállalkozások helyzete Szlovákiában. In Zborník X. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2018 : Sekcia ekonomických vied. Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. ISBN 978-80-8122-256-6, p. 128-140.

[no_codeYear]  [1] SNIEŠKA, V. - NAVICKAS, V. - HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - et al. Technical, information and innovation risks of industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises – Case of Slovakia and Poland. In Journal of Business Economics and Management. ISSN 1611-1699, 2020, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 1269-1284. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADM 006 MACHOVÁ, Renáta, Ladislav MURA, Katarína HAVIERNIKOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Cooperation Form of Entrepreneurship: Case of Slovakia. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences. Vol. 12, no. 1 (2017), p. 160-169. ISSN 2393-5162. SCOPUS. SNIP (2015): 0,691.

2021  [4] KÉZAI, P. K. Social Startup Enterprises: The Case of Hungary. In E-Studies. ISSN 1338-1598, 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 28, 33.

2020  [1] HALASKOVA, M. - GAVUROVA, B. - KORONY, S. Change of EU28 countries research and development indicatiors between 2010 and 2015. In Economy & sociology. ISSN 2306-3459, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 230-248. WoS

2020  [4] FARAGÓ, B. Management of the sport career model in Hungary - Dual career research. In Selye e-study. ISSN 1338-1598, 2020, vol. 11, no.1, 55-66.

2020  [1] KHARLAMOV, M. M. - KOLMYKOVA, T. S. - TOLSTYKH, T. O. -et al. Analytical procedures for assessing the risks of introducing innovative technologies into the organization’s activities. In Lecture notes in networks and systems. ISSN 2367-3370, 2020, vol. 91, p. 654-662. SCOPUS

2019  [1] LEMANSKA-MAJDZIK, A. - OKREGLICKA, M. Organizational flexibility from the perspective of the creation of cooperation networks in family business. In 2019 IEEE International symposium on innovational and entrepreneurship. Hangzhou : TEMS-ISIE, 2019. ISBN 978-172810435-5. SCOPUS

2019  [3] MIKOLÁŠ, Z. - FIALOVÁ, V. - FOLVARČNÁ, A. -et al. The current legislative framework of family owned small and medium enterprises: Case study of the Czech Republic and Poland. In Journal of applied economic sciences. ISSN 2393-5162, 2019, vol. XIV, no. 1 (63), p. 229-239.

2018  [1] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The efficiency of selected employee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819. WoS

2018  [1] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - CEPEL, M. -et al. Relationship of gender to the position of Slovak University students on the socio-economic determinants of the business environmnet and the development of entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 968-978. WoS

2018  [1] BELAS, J. - GAVUROVA, B. - TOTH, P. Impact of selected characteristics of SMEs on the capital structure. In Journal of business economics and management. ISSN 1611-1699, 2018, vol. 19, no. 4, p. 592-608. WoS

2018  [1] KOZUBÍKOVÁ, L. - ČEPEL, M. - ZLÁMALOVÁ, M. Attitude toward innovativeness based on personality traits in the SME sector. Czech Republic case study. In Sciendo. ISSN 1842-0206, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, 913-928. SCOPUS

ADM 007 MURA, Ladislav a Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ. Motivation of public employees: Case study of Slovak teaching and professional staff. DOI 10.24818/amp/2018.31-05 Administratie si Management Public. No. 31 (2018), p. 67-80. ISSN 1583-9583. SCOPUS.

ADM 008 BENCSIK, Andrea, Tímea JUHÁSZ, Ladislav MURA a Ágnes CSANÁDI. Formal and Informal Knowledge Sharing in Organisations from Slovakia and Hungary. DOI 10.15678/EBER.2019.070302 Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review : a scientific quarterly : focusing on Central and Eastern Europe as well as emerging markets. Vol. 7, no. 3 (2019), p. 25-42. ISSN 2353-883X. WoS.

2021  [1] SCHRIMPF, M. - FROEHLICH, D. E. - VENEGAS, B. C. Hrm policies’ impact on employees’ employability: The role of age climate and the offering of developmental measures. In Administrative Sciences. ISSN 2076-3387, 2021, vol. 11, no. 3. SCOPUS

2020  [1] NOVÁČKOVÁ, D. - PERÁČEK, T. - STRÁŽOVSKÁ, Ľ. - et al. Financial crime in economic affairs: case study of the Slovak Republic. In Juridical Tribune. ISSN 2247-7195, 2020, vol. 10, Special Issue, p. 148, 150. WoS

2020  [1] BETÁKOVÁ, J. - HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - OKREGLICKA, M. - et. al. The role of universities in supporting entrepreneurial intentions of students toward sustainable entrepreneurship. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2020, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 573-589. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] MEZULANIK, J. - DURDA, L. - CIVELEK, M. -et al. Ride-hailing vs. taxi services: a survey-based comparison. In Journal of tourism and services. ISSN 1804-5650, 2020, vol. 11, no. 20, p. 170-186. WoS

2020  [1] DUBRAVSKÁ, M. - MARCHEVSKÁ, M. - VAŠANIČOVÁ, P. -et al. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management linkage: An empirical analysis of the Slovak Republic. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 12, no. 13. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] ANDRONICEANU, A. Major structural changes in the EU policies due to the problems and risks caused COVID-19. In Administrattie si management public. ISSN 1583-9583, 2020, no. 34, p. 137-149. SCOPUS

2020  [1] STACHOVÁ, K. - STACHO, Z. - CAGÁŇOVÁ, D. -et al. Use of digital technologies for intensifying knowledge sharing. In Applied sciences. ISSN 2076-3417, 2020, vol.10, no. 12. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] HITKA, M. - LORINCOVÁ, S. - VETRÁKOVÁ, M. -et al. Factors related to gender and education affecting the employee motivation. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2020, vol. 7, no. 4., p. 3226-3241. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] ŠIRÁ, E. - VAVREK, R. - KRAVČÁKOVÁ VOZÁROVÁ, I. - et al. Knowledge economy indicators and their impact on the sustainable competitiveness of the EU countries. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 12, no, 10. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] PERÁČEK, T. - VILČEKOVÁ, L. - MUCHA, B. - et al. An Objective View of Government Policy on Access to Information in Years 1948-2020. In Education Excellence and Innovation Management: a 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Develpoment During Global Challenges. USA : INT Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2020. ISBN 978-0-9998551-4-0, p. 1347-1355. WoS

2020  [1] PERÁČEK, T. - BRESTOVANSKÁ, P. - MUCHA, B. - et al. The Right to The Access Information from The Perspective of International Law in Years 1948-1989. In Education Excellence and Innovation Management: a 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Develpoment During Global Challenges. USA : INT Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2020. ISBN 978-0-9998551-4-0, p. 1327-1336. WoS

2020  [1] CÍBIK, L. - MELUŠ, M. Funding of Public Health Care in EU Countries in 2010-2018: Preparation for the COVID 19 Pandemic? In Public Administration 2020: Three Decades of Challenges, Reforms, and Uncertain Results. Pardubice : UNIV Pardubice, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7560-338-8, p. 8-18. WoS

2020  [1] MINÁROVÁ, M. - MALÁ, D. SMUTNÝ, F. Emotional Intelligence of Managers in Family Businesses in Slovakia. In Administrative Sciences. ISSN 2076-3387, 2020, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 11. WoS

2020  [3] MACHOVÁ, R. - ŠEBEN, Z. - ZSIGMOND, T. - et al. Knowledge Management – situation in Poland and Slovakia. In SHS Web of Conferences. [onilne]. 2020, vol. 83. [cit. 2021-01-18]. Dostupné na internete: . ISSN 2261-2424

2020  [1] POTKÁNY, M. - GEJDOŠ, P. - LESNÍKOVÁ, P. - et al. Influence of Quality Management Practices on the Business Performance of Slovak Manufacturing Enterprises. In Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. ISSN 1785-8860, 2020, vol. 17, no. 9, p. 162. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [3] MASAROVA, T. - GULLEROVA, M. Digitization in Recruitment. In Economic and Social Development. 62nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development Development. ISSN 1849-7535, 2020, p. 38.

2020  [2] PADE, N. - SULIKOVA, R. - STRAZOVSKA, L. Student coaching in the phase of choosing their profession: Generation Z needs orientation. In Vplyv industry 4.0 na tvorbu pracovnych miest 2019. Trenčín : Alexander Dubcek University, 2020. ISBN 978-80-8075-903-2, p. 302-307. WoS

ADM 009 SZEINER, Zsuzsanna, Ladislav MURA, Zsolt HORBULÁK, Mike ROBERSON a József POÓR. Management consulting trends in slovakia in the light of global and regional tendencies. DOI 10.15549/jeecar.v7i2.390 Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research. = JEECAR Vol. 7, no. 2 (2020), p. 191-204. ISSN 2328-8272. WoS, SCOPUS.

2021  [1] MARIS, M. Propulsive forces of economic growth in Slovakia: the inference from the input-output table data. In Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 255-267. WoS

2021  [1] GRENČÍKOVÁ, A. - KORDOŠ, M. - BARTEK, J. - et al. The impact of the industry 4.0 concept on slovak business sustainability within the issue of the pandemic outbreak. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, vol. 13, no. 9. SCOPUS

ADM 010 MURA, Ladislav, Tibor ZSIGMOND, Ádám KOVÁCS a Éva BALOGHOVÁ. Unemployment and GDP Relationship Analysis in the Visegrad Four Countries. DOI 10.24193/OJMNE.2020.34.06 Online Journal Modelling the New Europe : interdisciplinary studies. online, Vol. 34 (2020), p. 118-134. ISSN 2247-0514 (online). SCOPUS.

2021  [3] SÁRKÖZI, B. Sz. State of Employment and Unemployment in Hungary. In Sustainable Development: Modern Theories and Best Practices . ISSN 2733-2942, 2021, p. 26.

2021  [3] VUTSOVA, A. - ARABADZHIEVA, M. - YALAMOV, T. Youth Employment in Europe – Business Cycles, Crises, and Policy Responses. In Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business. ISSN 2695-0693, 2021, vol. 2, p. 118.

2021  [1] MARIS, M. Propulsive forces of economic growth in Slovakia: the inference from the input-output table data. In Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 255-267. WoS

2021  [1] PERÁČEK, T. Flexibility of creating and changing employment in the options of the Slovak Labor Code. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2021, vol. 19, no. 3, p. 373-382. SCOPUS

2021  [1] POPÎRLAN, C.-I. - TUDOR, I.-V. - DINU, C.-C. - et al. Hybrid model for unemployment impact on social life. In Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390, 2021, vol. 9, no. 18. WoS ; SCOPUS

2021  [4] SÁRKÖZI, B. Sz. Čerství absolventi na trhu práce. In Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8, p. 150-155.

2021  [4] KORDOŠ, M. Anyalýza aktuálnych trendov inovačnej politiky EU a kocepcie industry 4.0. In Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Trendy vo využívaní štatistických metód v marketingu 2021. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4829-8, p. 69-78.

2021  [1] GRENČÍKOVÁ, A. - KORDOŠ, M. - BARTEK, J. - et al. The impact of the industry 4.0 concept on slovak business sustainability within the issue of the pandemic outbreak. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, vol. 13, no. 9. WoS ; SCOPUS

ADM 011 GÓDÁNY, Zsuzsanna, Renáta MACHOVÁ, Ladislav MURA a Tibor ZSIGMOND. Entrepreneurship motivation in the 21st century in terms of pull and push factors. TEM Journal : Technology, Education, Management, Informatics. Vol. 10, no. 1 (2021), p. 334-342. ISSN 2217-8309. WoS, SCOPUS.

2021  [4] ŠTEFKO, R. - SVETOZAROVOVÁ, N. - NATIŠIN, Ľ. Perception of the Ethical Aspect of Business Reputation Management in the Online Environment. In Megatrends and Media: Home Officetainment. Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie : Trnava, 2021. ISBN 978-80-572-0183-0, p. 456.

ADM 012 PROKOPENKO, Olha, Yevhen MISHENIN, Ladislav MURA a Inessa YAROVA. Environmental and economic regulation of sustainable spatial agroforestry. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues. Vol. 19, no. 1-3 (2020), p. 109-128. ISSN 14666650. SCOPUS.

ADM 013 GÓDÁNY, Zsuzsanna a Ladislav MURA. Success from the Perspective of Female Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. Vol. 9, no. 2 (2021), p. 521-534. ISSN 2345-0282 (online). WoS.

Q WoS=Q2

ADN Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in journals registered in the databases Web of Science or SCOPUS
Number of entries: 1

ADN 001 HALASI, Dániel, Pavol SCHWARZ, Ladislav MURA a Oľga ROHÁČIKOVÁ. The impact of EU support resources on business success of family-owned businesses. DOI 10.5219/1167 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences = Slovak Journal of Food Sciences : vedecký časopis pre potravinárstvo. Roč. 13, č. 1 (2019), s. 846-853. ISSN 1338-0230. SCOPUS.

2021  [1] VIRGLEROVÁ, Z. - BELÁS, J. - KURZĘPA-DEDO, K. et al. Perceiving of legal risk and the role of public sector in smes of v4 countries. In Administratie si Management Public. ISSN 1583-9583, 2021, no. 36, p. 181-195. SCOPUS

2021  [1] HAJDUOVÁ, Z. - PERÁČEK, T. - CORONIČOVÁ HURAJOVÁ, J. - et al. Determinants of innovativeness of Slovak SMEs. In Problems and Perspectives in Management. ISSN 1727-7051, 2021, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 198-208. SCOPUS

2021  [3] PIYAMPUTRA, P. - PRANEE, S. - KORTANA, T. - et al. The Model for Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Government Organizations: A Case of the Southern Andaman Provincial Cluster. In Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. ISSN 1309-4653, 2021, vol. 12, no. 12, p. 331.

2021  [1] ZAKHARCHENKO, A. - PERÁČEK, T. - FEDUSHKO, S. - et al. When Fact-Checking and 'BBC Standards' Are Helpless: 'Fake Newsworthy Event' Manipulation and the Reaction of the 'High-Quality Media' on It. In Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, vol. 13, no. 2. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] KOTASKOVA, A. - LAZANYI, K. - AMOAH, J. - et al. Financial risk management in the V4 Countries’ SMEs segment. In Investment Management and Financial Innovations. ISSN 1810-4967, 2020, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 228-240. SCOPUS

2020  [1] PERÁČEK, T. The Perspectives of European Society and the European Cooperative as a Form of Entrepreneurship in the Context of the Impact of European Economic Policy. In Online Journal Modelling the New Europe. ISSN 2247-0514, 2020, vol. 34, p. 38-56. SCOPUS

2020  [1] PERÁČEK, T. - VILČEKOVÁ, L. - STRÁŽOVSKÁ, Ľ. Selected Problems of Family Business: A Case Study from Slovakia. In Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. ISSN 1785-8860, 2020, vol. 17, no. 7, p. 145-162. WoS ; SCOPUS

2020  [1] UBREZIOVA, I. - DIACIKOVA, A. - SOKIL, O. - et al. Innovation ecosystems for the Moldovan small and medium-sized enterprises. In Marketing and Management of Innovations. ISSN 2218-4511, 2020, no. 2, p. 298-312. WoS

2020  [2] SOKIL, O. - UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - EUGENIO, T. -et al. Does foodservice industry care about CSR? A study in Portugal and Ukraine. In Potravinarstvo slovak journal of food sciences. ISSN 1338-0230 , 2020, vol. 14, p. 544-553. SCOPUS

AEC Scientific/scholarly papers published abroad in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs
Number of entries: 3

AEC 001 MURA, Ladislav. Uplatňovanie etiky v podnikateľskej praxi ako základ pre spločensky zodpovedné podnikanie. In: Sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference: Spoločenská odpovědnost firem - transfer vědeckých poznatku do prace. Olomouc: Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc. ISBN 978-80-87240-67-0.

2013  [4] LINCÉNYI, M. - TAMENE, G. Mission, reality and current challenges of the mass media in the 21st century. In University Review. ISSN 1337-6047, 2013, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 29-33.

AEC 002 MURA, Ladislav a Anton KRETTER. Marketing tevékenységek az élelmiszerjelölések felismerésének javítására: Marketing activities to improve the perception of the food labeling. XIII. Nemzetközi Tudományos Napok. (2012), s. 670-674.

AEC 003 MURA, Ladislav. The Industrial Meat Processing Enterprises in the Adaptation Process of Marketing Management of the European Market. In: Scientific, Health and Social Aspectds of the Food Industry. Croatia: In Tech Europe, 2012, S. 209-220. ISBN 978-953-307-916-5.

2012  [1] VÉGHOVÁ, K. Research of the slovak meat industry and the company strategy. In MSED 2012 : The 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 13-15. Praha : University of Economics, 2012. p. 1176. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS

2012  [1] TÓTH, Z. Selected problems of the international entrepreneurship in the context of internationalization. In MSED 2012 : The 6th International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, September 13-15. Praha : University of Economics, 2012. p. 1112, 1118. ISBN 978-80-86175-86-7. WoS

AED Scientific/scholarly papers published inland in peer-reviewed proceedings or monographs
Number of entries: 3

AED 001 MURA, Ladislav. Niektoré aspekty podnikania malých a stredných podnikov v medzinárodnom prostredí. Analýza dopadov globalizačných a integračných tendencií na postavenie agropotravinárskeho komplexu Slovenskej republiky. (2012), s. 23-30.

AED 002 MURA, Ladislav a Katarína VÉGHOVÁ. Etické aspekty manažmentu podnikania. In: Management Trends in Theory and Practice. Žilina: EDIS, S. 178-179. ISBN 978-80-554-0736-4.

AED 003 BAŠA, Patrik a Ladislav MURA. Bezobalové obchody ako inovatívny trend pri udržateľnom nakupovaní = Zero-waste packaging shops as an innovative trend in sustainable shopping. In: Aplikácia princípov kruhovej ekonomiky na Slovensku : zborník vedeckých prác 2 z projektu VEGA 1/0705/19: zborník vedeckých prác 2 z projektu VEGA 1/0705/19. Zdenka Musová, Alena Kusá, Martina Minárová. Banská Bystrica: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici - Belianum, 2021, S. 8-18. ISBN 978-80-557-1920-7.

AFA Published invited conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 2

AFA 001 POÓR, József, Péter KOLLÁR, Katalin SZABÓ, Kinga KEREKES, Monica ZAHARIE, Ágnes SZLÁVICZ, Ladislav MURA a Iveta UBREŽIOVÁ. Ethical research with statistical methods - focus on Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Serbia. In: Certification of participation: Reproduction of Human Capital - mutual ties and interactions. Praha: University of economics, 2012, P. [10].

AFA 002 POÓR, József, Ladislav MURA a Zsuzsa KAROLINY. Human resource management under changes in Central and Eastern European countries - focus Hungary and Slovakia. In: Certification of participation: Reproduction of Human Capital - mutual ties and interactions. Praha: University of economics, 2012, P. [10].

AFC Published conference articles presented at conferences abroad
Number of entries: 17

AFC 001 MURA, Ladislav. Vplyv vnútropodnikového manažmentu na riadenie rodinných podnikov. In: International workshop for PhD. Students 2009. Brno: Brno University of Technology Faculty of Business and Management, S. 1-5. ISBN 978-80-214-3980-1.

2013  [3] BENCSIK, A. - MACHOVÁ, R. - TÓTH, Z. Cultural Background of Intergenerational and Knowledge Management. In IJSR : International Journal of Scientific Research. ISSN 2277-8179, 2013, vol. 2, no. 9, p. 230-235.

AFC 002 MURA, Ladislav. Implementácia znalostného manažmentu v medzinárodnej podnikajúcej spoločnosti. In: Sborník příspevků III. Mezinárodní vědecké konference doktorandů a mladých vědeckých pracovníků. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, S. 440-447. ISBN 978-80-7248-620-5.

2011  [3] MALÁ, D. Implementácia komplexného manažérstva kvality na slovenskej vysokej škole. In EMI : Ekonomika management Innovation. ISSN 1804-1299, 2011, roč. 3, č. 1., s. 11.

AFC 003 MURA, Ladislav. K vymedzeniu spoločensky zodpovedného podnikania. Trendy v podnikání 2011. (2011), 5 s.

AFC 004 MURA, Ladislav. Konkurencieschopnosť podnikov malého a stredného agropodnikania. In: Sborník příspevku z konference V rámci projektu Most k partnerství - VŠP Jihlava tvoří síť, registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/2.4.00/12.0115. Jihlava: Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava. ISBN 978-80-87035-36-8.

2011  [3] ŠIMO, D. Aktuálne problémy zahraničného obchodu SR s vybranými komoditami zeleniny. In EMI - EKonomika Management Inovace. ISSN 1804-1299, 2011, no. 2, s. 39-46.

AFC 005 MURA, Ladislav. Modely ekonomického rastu - kvantitatívny pohľad. RELIK 2011. (2011), 9 s.

AFC 006 MURA, Ladislav. Proces zavedenia znalostného manažmentu v neziskovej organizácii. In: Mezinárodní vědecká konference pro doktorandy a mladé a vědecké pracovníky. Ostrava: VŠB Technická Univerzita Ostrava, S. 1-8. ISBN 978-80-248-2372.

2012  [1] ROSIČOVÁ, J. - RÓZSA, Z. Management processes in public management. In Informacijni technologii ekonomika ta pravo : stan ta perspektivi rozvitku (ITEL-2012). Černivci : Bukovinskij Universitet, 2012. p. 5-6. ISBN 978-617-614-028-3.

AFC 007 MURA, Ladislav a Tomáš DUDÁŠ. Vplyv globálnej hospodárskej krízy na slovenský automobilový priemysel. Mezinárodní Masarykova konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky. (2011), s. 99-107.

AFC 008 MURA, Ladislav. Zmeny v demografickej štruktúre obyvateľstva Slovenskej republiky. RELIK 2011. (2011), 8 s.

AFC 009 MATISKOVÁ, Darina a Ladislav MURA. Determining the Economic Effect from Automation in Production. Proceedings. (2012), s. 211-214.

AFC 010 MURA, Ladislav a Ján BULECA. Evaluation of Financing Possibilities of Small and Medium Industrial Enterprises. DOI 10.1016/S2212-5671(12)00143-8 In: Procedia: Economics and Finance. Románia: ELSEVIER-Scopus, 2012, P. 217-222. WoS.

AFC 011 MURA, Ladislav a Ľuboš TÖRÖK. Statistical analysis of infopromotional texts translations. International Days of Statistics and Economics. [8] s. WoS.

AFC 012 MURA, Ladislav, Lucia ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, Jana ŽIAROVSKÁ, Ľuboš TÖRÖK a Martin BOĎA. Statistical methods for the detection of infectious foodborne diseases. In: International Days of Statistics and Economics: proceedings from international conference. Praha: VŠE, 2012, P. 1-11. ISBN 978-80-86175-79-9. WoS.

AFC 013 MURA, Ladislav. Teoretické východiská internacionalizácie podnikania. In: Mezinárodní workshop doktorandských prací. Brno, Česká republika: FP VUT Brno, 2012, 7s. [0,35 AH]. ISBN 978-80-214-4632-8.

AFC 014 TÓTH, Zsuzsanna a Ladislav MURA. Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Economic Crisis in Selected EU Countries. In: Hradec Economic Days 2014. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2014, P. 424-429. ISBN 978-80-7435-370-3. WoS.

2019  [1] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099. SCOPUS

2018  [3] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.

2018  [1] LORINCOVA, S. - VETRAKOVA, M. - LIZBETINOVA, L. The Efficiency of selected employsee education methods. In Innovation management and education excellence through vision 2020. Norristown : INT Business Information Management ASSOC-IBIMA, 2018. ISBN 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 3810-3819. WoS

2018  [1] FABUŠ, M. - LINCÉNYI, M. Analysis of the development terms of the radio market in the Slovak Republic. In In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2018, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 591-601. WoS

2018  [1] OTTER, C. - HALASI, D. Payment discipline of business in the EU contries. In Ad alta-journal of interdisciplinary research. ISSN 1804-7890, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 90-94. WoS

2018  [1] KOCISOVA, K. - GAVUROVÁ, B. - BEHUN, M. The evaluation of stability of Czeh and Slovak banks. In Oeconomia copernicana. ISSN 2083-1277, 2018, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 205-223. WoS

2017  [2] RAFAJOVÁ, L. - PAFCO, M. Family business in selected regions of Slovakia. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture Nitra, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 196-203. WoS

2017  [1] LINCENYI, M. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia. In Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. ISSN 2345-0282, 2017, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 357-367. WoS

AFC 015 MURA, Ladislav, Renáta MACHOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Evaluation of innovation performance of the business networks. In: Peer-Reviewe Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5: Economic Development and Management of Regions. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2015, online, s. 41-47. ISBN 978-80-7435-550-9. WoS.

2019  [1] HAVIERNIKOVÁ, K. - KORDOŠ, M. - SROVNALÍKOVÁ, P. Risks of SMEs entry into clusters in terms of some human resources. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018. Seville : International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2019. ISBN 978-099985511-9, p. 5089-5099. SCOPUS

2018  [4] IVANOVÁ, E. - MASÁROVÁ, J. Evaluation of innovation performance of Visegrad countries regions putting a stress on human capital. In Sociálno-ekonomická revue. ISSN 1336-3727, 2018, vol. 2018, no. 2, p. 27-34.

2018  [3] HAVIERNIKOVA, K. - IVANOVA, E. Evaluation of selected risk categories related to marketing activities by SMEs in case of potentioal cluster cooperation. In Advances in economics, business and management research. ISSN 2352-5428, vol. 56, p.433-436.

2018  [3] KORCSMÁROS, E. - ŠIMONOVÁ, M. Factors affecting the development of SMEs. In Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry 2018 - Zborník vedeckých prác. Bratislava : EKONÓM, 2018. ISBN 978-80-225-4536-5, p. 573-580.

2018  [1] GAVUROVÁ, B. - BACIK, R. - FEDORKO, R. -et al. Analytical view of online marketing tools in the dimension of marketing campaigns ́ personalization in Slovakia. In Marketing and management of innovations. ISSN 2218-4511, 2018, no. 2, p. 186-200. WoS

2017  [2] KORCSMÁROS, E. - SIMONOVÁ, M. The Main Barriers to the Development of SMEs. In Managerial trends in the development of enterprises in globalization era. Nitra : Slovak Univ Agriculture, 2017. ISBN 978-80-552-1739-0, p. 146-152. WoS

AFC 016 MURA, Ladislav a Beáta STEHLÍKOVÁ. COVID-19 reversed the momentum of the long-term global effort to reduce plastic waste. In: Sustainable development: modern theories and best practices. Lyazzat Sembiyeva, Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, Badri Gechbaia. Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ, 2021, online, p. 14-19.

AFC 017 MURA, Ladislav a Eleonóra MARIŠOVÁ. Effectiveness of public administration performance in the context of the age structure of its employees. In: RELIK 2021 : conference proceedings: conference proceedings. Jitka Langhamrová, Jana Vrabcová. Praha: Prague University of Economics and Business, 2021, online, s. 540-549. ISBN 978-80-245-2429-0.

AFD Published conference articles presented at conferences inland
Number of entries: 12

AFD 001 MURA, Ladislav. Malé a stredné podniky v období začleňovania Slovenskej republiky do Európskej únie. In: MLADÁ VEDA 2004: "Spoločne v Európe, spoločne pre Európu" Zborník vedeckých prác z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, S. 555-560. ISBN 80-8069-456-7.

2008  [3] UBREŽIOVÁ, I. - WACH, K. - MAJOROVÁ, M. Development of small business sector in Slovaki in 1993-2006. In Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia. ISSN 1730-4237, 2008, vol. 7, no. 1, s. 144-162.

AFD 002 JANČÍKOVÁ-BEŇOVÁ, Veronika a Ladislav MURA. K niektorím otázkam sociálneho podnikania. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. (2010), 5 s.

AFD 003 BEŇOVÁ, Veronika a Ladislav MURA. Manažment znalostí v podnikateľskej sfére. In: Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia: Intelektuálny kapitál ako konkurenčná výhoda. Úloha manažmentu znalostí z aspektu trhovej konkurencia schopností. Komárno: UJS, (2010), 5 s. ISBN 978-963-216-270-6.

AFD 004 JANČÍKOVÁ-BEŇOVÁ, Veronika a Ladislav MURA. Verejné financie ako zdroj podporných prostriedkov pre rozvoj MSP. Medzinárodný vedecký seminár. (2010), 5 s.

AFD 005 JANČÍKOVÁ-BEŇOVÁ, Veronika a Ladislav MURA. Viedecký cestovný ruch a agroturistika - perspektívne oblasti podnikania na vidieku. Scienta Iuventa 2010. (2010), 10 s.

AFD 006 MURA, Ladislav. Aspekty manažérskeho rozhodovania o prieniku na zahraničné trhy. Podnikanie v konkurečnom prostredí. (2012), s. 304-311.

AFD 007 MURA, Ladislav. Špecifiká podnikania v cestovnom ruchu. Zborník príspevkov z III. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. (2012), s. 23-29.

AFD 008 MURA, Ladislav, Zsuzsanna TÓTH a Endre HEVESI. Úloha miestnej samosprávy v rozvoji podnikania. In: Spolupráca mestských regiónov v znalostnej ekonomike: Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej on-line konferencie. Trenčín: Inštitút aplikovaného manažmentu, 2013, S. 43-48. ISBN 978-80-89600-10-6.

AFD 009 MURA, Ladislav a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Evaluation of the Innovation Performance of Business Networks. In: 5th Central European Conference in Regional Science: Conference Proceedings. Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2015, P. 634-642. ISBN 978-80-553-2015-1. WoS.

2017  [3] SOBEKOVÁ MAJKOVÁ, M. - KLJUČNIKOV, A. The Specific Character Traits of Young Entereneurs in Slovakia. In International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge. ISSN 2336-2960, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 48.

2016  [3] HALASI, D. Actual HR Issues in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 134-144.

2016  [3] SOBEKOVÁ MAJKOVÁ, M. - KLJUČNIKOV, A. Differences in the Specific Character Traits Between Potential Young Entrepreneurs and Other Young People. Case Study from Slovakia. In RELIK 2016 : Conference Proceedings. Prague : University of Economics, 2016. ISBN 978-80-245-2166-4, p. 469-483.

AFD 010 SZEINER, Zsuzsanna, Eric J. SANDERS, Ladislav MURA a József POÓR. A menedzsment tanácsadási piac változásai globális, regionális, magyarországi és szlovákiai trendek tükrében. DOI 10.36007/3754.2020.365 In: 12th International Conference of J. Selye University : Economic Section: Economic Section. Korcsmáros Enikő. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2020, online, s. 365-381. ISBN 978-80-8122-375-4.

AFD 011 MURA, Ladislav. Vplyv daňovej sústavy a zavedenia e-kasy na malé a stredné rodinné podniky. In: Zborník 11. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho 2019 = A Selye János Egyetem 2019-es 11. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete: "Adó- és járulékrendszerek" szekció : Sekcia "Daňové a odvodové systémy": Sekcia "Daňové a odvodové systémy". Norbert Gyurián, Imrich Antalík. = A Selye János Egyetem 2019-es 11. Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete: "Adó- és járulékrendszerek" szekció Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2019, CD-ROM, s. 31-36. ISBN 978-80-8122-341-9.

AFD 012 SZEINER, Zsuzsanna, Ladislav MURA, Zoltán ŠEBEN, Lukáš SMEREK a József POÓR. Slovak Businesses in times of coronavirus pandemic in light of an empirical research. In: The Poprad Economic and Management Forum 2021. Peter Madzík, Mária Janošková. Ružomberok: VERBUM Publishing, 2021, online, s. 324-337. ISBN 978-80-561-0888-8 (online).

AGI Reports of scientific research tasks
Number of entries: 2

AGI 001 SZEINER, Zsuzsanna, Ladislav MURA a József POÓR. Poradenstvo v oblasti manažmentu, Slovensko - 2019: Výskumná správa. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2019. 14 s.

AGI 002 MURA, Ladislav. Správa o vyriešenej vedecko-výskumnej úlohe za projekt VEGA 1/0381/13: Hodnotenie inovačného potenciálu podnikateľských sietí v ranných etapách jej formovania. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015. 9 s.

BAA Specialised book-like publications published abroad
Number of entries: 1

BAA 001 MURA, Ladislav a Silvia ŠULTEROVÁ. Manažment rozvoja vidieckeho turizmu a agroturizmu v regiónoch Slovenska a ich perspektívy.

BAB Specialised book-like publications published inland
Number of entries: 2

BAB 001 MURA, Ladislav, Enikő KORCSMÁROS, Zoltán RÓZSA, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Obchodné podnikanie [elektronický zdroj]. 1. vyd. Trenčín: Inštitút aplikovaného manažmentu, 2012. CD-ROM, 151 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-041-8.

BAB 002 DUDÁŠ, Tomáš, Lilla FEHÉR, Endre HEVESI, Zsuzsanna KULCSÁR, Ladislav MURA, Vanda PAPP, Erika PISOŇOVÁ a Zsuzsanna TÓTH. Anglicko-maďarsko-nemecko-slovenský tematický ekonomický slovník II. = Angol-magyar-német-szlovák tematikus gazdasági szótár II. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2017. 112 s. [6AH] [print]. ISBN 978-80-89453-38-2.

BCI University teaching notes and resource materials
Number of entries: 4

BCI 001 MURA, Ladislav, Slávka ČEPELOVÁ a Anton HERETIK. Kapitoly z pracovnej a manažérskej psychológie. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2012. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-055-5.

2017  [3] OLŠOVSKÁ, A. - ŠVEC, M. Use of Phsychological Examinations of Employees and Job Applicants in Pesronnel Management. In Issues of Human Resource Management. Rijeka : InTech, 2017. ISBN 978-953-51-3228-8, p. 40.

BCI 002 MURA, Ladislav. Családi vállalkozás alapjai [elektronický zdroj]. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2013. CD-ROM, 149 s. [3,21AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-078-4.

BCI 003 MURA, Ladislav, Dániel HALASI a Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ. Bevezetés a családi vállalkozásba = Úvod do rodinného podnikania: elektronikus oktatási segédanyag. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2018. 160 s. [CD-ROM]. ISBN 978-80-8122-292-4.

BCI 004 MURA, Ladislav, Zoltán BODÓ, Ádám CZIBULA, Ádám SZOBI, Zsuzsanna TÓTH, Dániel HALASI, Endre HEVESI, Andor MATUS, Nikoleta NAGYOVÁ, Mária PARÁDIOVÁ, Erika SERES HUSZÁRIK, Dávid SZABÓ, Florián SZAKÁL, Tímea SZÉNÁSSY a Dominika VLACSEKOVÁ. Üzleti terv = Podnikateľský plán: egyetemi jegyzet : vysokoškolské skriptá. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017. 199 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-214-6.

BDE Specialised papers published abroad in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect database
Number of entries: 1

BDE 001 MURA, Ladislav, Norbert SZAKÁCS, Mártonné KAROLINY a József POÓR. Az átalakuló közép- és kelet-európai emberi erőforrás-menedzsment gyakorlata. Tudásmenedzsment. Évf. 14, sz. 1 (2013), p. 135-144 [0,45 AH]. ISSN 1586-0698.

BDF Specialised papers published inland in journals not registered in the Current Contents Connect satabase
Number of entries: 1

BDF 001 MURA, Ladislav. Riadenie podnikov prostredníctvom CRM. Eurobiznis. Č. 7-8 (2003), s. [49]. ISSN 1335-7484.

2013  [4] NOVOTNÝ, J. Význam a pozice CRM v řízení firem. In E-Studies. ISSN 1338-1598, 2013, no. 4, s. 4-11.

DAI Dissertation and habilitation theses
Number of entries: 1

DAI 001 MURA, Ladislav. Internacionalizácia podnikania malých a stredných podnikov na Slovensku.

EDI Reviews published in journals and proceedings
Number of entries: 4

EDI 001 MURA, Ladislav. A. Pauličková: "Peniaze - ako ich získať?": Recenzia odbornej knihy. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Č. 1 (2012), s. 223-224. ISSN 1338-6581.

EDI 002 MURA, Ladislav. Recenzia na vysokoškolské skriptá "Jana Miklovičová - Ekonomika investičných projektov" príklady na cvičenia. E-Studies Online recenzovaný vedecký časopis. roč. 3 (2012), s. 2. ISSN 1338-1598.

EDI 003 MURA, Ladislav. Recenzia odbornej knihy. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. Roč. 2, č. 1 (2013), s. 203-204. ISSN 1338-6581.

EDI 004 MURA, Ladislav. Recenzia vedeckej monografie. Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye. roč. 2, č. 1 (2013), s. 201-202. ISSN 1338-6581.

FAI Book-like editorial works (bibliographies, encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, proceedings books etc.)
Number of entries: 6

FAI 001 POÓR, József a Ladislav MURA. Az emberi erőforrás menedzsment gyakorlata: Magyarország - Szlovákia 2011.

FAI 002 MURA, Ladislav. Kapitoly z pracovnej a manažérskej psychológie.

FAI 003 MURA, Ladislav a Zoltán RÓZSA. Podnikanie v konkurenčnom prostredí: Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého seminára konaného 13. februára 2012.

FAI 004 MURA, Ladislav a Renáta MACHOVÁ. Inovačný potenciál, inovačné podnikanie a podnikateľské siete. 1. vyd. Brno: Tribun EU, 2013. 203 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-088-3.

FAI 005 MURA, Ladislav. Mladí vedci 2020 [electronic] = Fiatal kutatók 2020: zborník vedeckých príspevkov doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov : doktoranduszok és fiatal kutatók tudományos kötete : scientific proceedings of PhD. students and young scientists. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2020. 239 s. ISBN 978-80-89453-73-3.

FAI 006 MURA, Ladislav. Mladí vedci 2021 [print] = Fiatal kutatók 2021: zborník vedeckých príspevkov doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Fakulta ekonómie a podnikania, 2021. 183 s. [print]. ISBN 978-80-89453-94-8.


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