Teacher - Student Communication:
Email etiquette
- Use your university email account.
- Start with a new message.
- Subject line is essential.
- Use an appropriate form of address. (e.g. Dear Mr./M(r)s. Teacher/Last name)
- Write a clear and concise message.
- Sign with your full name (plus class and majors).
- Give a clear name to your attachment (your name and the code of the course, example below).
- Proofread your message.
- Allow adequate time for a reply.
- Be nice and thank your teacher for answering.
Please fill in the subject line in the following way:
Code of the course - Homework/Seminar work/Enquiry (e.g. JAS1 - Homework)
Please name the document (file) in the following way:
Last name First name - Code of the course.docx/.doc/.rtf/.pdf/.pptx/.ppt (e.g. Smith John - JAS1.docx)
You can use any freeware (and/or online) software for creating the seminar work, whether it be a document or a presentation.
Important factors to consider before sending an email:
- Make sure to check the syllabus.
- In case of absence, contact one of your classmates.
- Compose a concise and clear message (do not rant).
- In case of serious issues (grade or exam date problems), schedule an appointment.
- Do not email teachers to ask about office hours.
- Do not write in CAPITALS, pay attention to formal elements.
- You are what you email. Teachers will shape their opinion of you according to the quality of your message.
Always meet deadlines, please, and don't leave it to the last minute.