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ThDr. Zoltán Erdélyi
Name: ThDr. Zoltán Erdélyi
Faculty: Reformed Theological Faculty
Department: Department of systematic and practical theology
Position: PhD student
Office: E ***
Phone +421 35 32 60 ***

University studies
János Selye University, Reformed Theological Faculty
Reformed theology
2002 - 2007
Examina rigorosa
János Selye University, Reformed Theological Faculty
Reformed theology
2013 - 2015
PhD. study
János Selye University, Reformed Theological Faculty
2020 -

Reformed Christian Church of Slovakia - Perbete Parish
congregational pastor
2007 -
Calvin John Theological Academy
2019 -

Research area Systematics is theology, and within it, dogmatics. Now I am looking at the person and role of the Mediator in the different religions. I am looking for answers to the questions: in what form and in what way does the Intercessor appear in Christian and non-Christian religions? What is his power and scope? Furthermore, under what conditions can salvation be obtained? To sum up, I would like to use interreligious dialogue to gain an overview of the person of the Mediator.

Independent Pastor of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia - Reformed Parish of Perbete (since 2009)

Council member of the Reformed Christian Church of Slovakia - Komárom Reformed Diocese (from 2015)

Member of the Municipality of Perbete (since 2018)

Treasurer of the Reformed Christian Church of Slovakia - Diocese of Komárom (from 2019)

Librarian of the Library of the Calvin John Theological Academy (from 2019)

Alternate member of the Synod of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia (from 2020)

Member of the Quality Assurance Council of Selye János University (from 2021)


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